Ely District ADM 2014
Ely District ADM, Histon, Saturday 4th January 2014
The 2014 Annual District Meeting for the Ely District was held at Histon on Saturday 4th January. Roger Palmer, who has been President of the district since at least 1980, stood down this year and was warmly thanked by the meeting for his enormous contribution to the district. Roger replied with the words 'it has been a privilege and pleasure which I treasure beyond measure'. Roderick Johnstone was elected as our new President and commented that Roger would be a very hard act to follow. Barbara Le Gallez is our new Membership Secretary and is ready to collect Ely DA subscriptions for 2014. Dee Smith returns to the post of Education Officer from which she took a break last year. Sue Marsden replaces Roderick as Assistant Ringing Master. We also welcome new members to the committee, and thank those who are standing down this year.