Wedding at Littleport, 30/08/2014

Posted: 03-Sep-2014

Littleport ringers Matthew and Michelle George were married at St George's, Littleport on Saturday 30th August. This was a warm, sunny afternoon with a bring-and-share picnic in the Church rooms after the service. The bride and groom, with close family and friends, rang the first touch on the bells, young ringers Megan and Amy joined on for a few rounds, then other Ely District ringers took over to ring as the bride and groom processed out of the church. A handbell quarter peal was rung in the chancel during the picnic. Thanks to Phillip George and Geoff Grayton for the photos.

The bride and groom

After ringing the first touch on the bells

Flowers in the church porch

The quarter peal band