Ely District Annual District Meeting

The Annual District Meeting for the Ely District was held at Fordham on Saturday 3rd January 2015. As the final stage in the commemorative quarter peals which were rung in 2014 for Rosemary Palmer and Colin Johnson, Dee Smith presented Roger Palmer and Sue Marsden with handsome books containing details of all the quarter peals, with photos of the churches and some of the bands, and letters of thanks for the charity donations. Photos are below, thanks to Peter Binns.

Most of the District Officers were re-elected to continue in the same posts as last year. Sue Marsden is the Central Council representative for the Wisbech District, and thus is already an ex-officio member of the Diocesan Committee, so she stood down as one of our Diocesan Committee representatives, and Roderick Johnstone was elected in her place. Rachel Frost was elected to the committee as a junior member. Names of all District Officers and committee members, with contact details where relevant, arehere.

Presentation to Roger Palmer

Presentation to Sue Marsden

A page in the quarter peal books