Reports of Peals and Quarters 2018
From the footnotes
Sunday 29th July. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Major was rung at St Mary, Swaffham Bulbeck. This was first as conductor on 8 for Jimmy Yeoman, and was rung to mark the retirement of the Revd Andrew Rycraft of St Martin's church Exning.
Sunday 22nd July. A quarter peal of Ipswich Surprise Minor was rung at St Andrew, Swavesey. This was rung for Sunday service, and was the first quarter on the new ropes.
Saturday 21st July. A quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Major was rung at All Saints, Longstanton. This was a first of surprise major for Francis Hearne, and dedicated to Jenny and Peter Herne, Francis's grandparents
Sunday 8th July. A quarter peal of All Saints Place Doubles was rung at Cottenham. This was rung prior to the morning service and in memory of a member of the band and steeple keeper. A quarter peal of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung at St Andrew, Histon. This was rung with 50th birthday compliments from the band to the ringer of the 5 (Des Phillips), coincidentally on the birthday of the ringer of the 3 (Andrew Croxall).
Friday 6th July. A quarter peal of Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles was rung at All Saints, Cottenham. This was rung half muffled prior to the funeral of a respected member of the band and steeple keeper.
Sunday 1st July. A quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung at St Mary the Blessed Virgin, Burwell. This was a first quarter of surprise major for Jimmy Yeoman and was rung to celebrate the Ordination of Revd Paula Spalding and Revd Christine Campbell on this day at Ely Cathedral
Saturday 30th June. A quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung at St Andrew, Oakington. This was rung to mark the start of the Oakington village day.
Friday 22nd June. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at St Mary, Ely. This was a first quarter peal inside for Clive Monk and in celebration of the Ely Cathedral Flower Festival.
Sunday 17th June. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at St Andrew, Swavesey. This was rung for morning service, as a birthday compliment to Derrick Bailey, Dad of 5th ringer, and Happy Fathers day to all fathers past and present.
Saturday 16th June. A quarter peal of All Saints Place Doubles was rung at All Saints Cottenham to open the "All Saints Alive" weekend of activities. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Minor was rung at St Mary and All Saints, Willingham. This was a first in method for Fiona Rutter and to celebrate the tower captain's father-in-law's 102nd birthday.
Saturday 2nd June. A quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung at St Peter, Wilburton. This was a first of treble bob for Francis Herne and rung in memoriam Sue Williams who was Tower Captain at this church
Monday 21st May. A quarter peal of Doubles (4 methods) was rung at St Andrew, Soham. This was a birthday compliment to Helen Beaumont and a wedding compliment to Meghan and Harry.
Sunday 20th May. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at All Saints, Cottenham, prior to the Pentecost Parish Communion. A quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung at St Andrew, Swavesey. This was rung for the morning Pentecost Service and to celebrate the marriage of HRH Prince Henry and Ms Meghan Markle. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Triples was rung at St Mary, Swaffham Bulbeck. This was rung as a wedding compliment to HRH Prince Harry of Wales, and Ms Megan Markle (Duke and Duchess of Sussex) married the previous day at St George's Chapel, Windsor.
Saturday 19th May. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at St Mary, Ely. This was rung to celebrate the wedding of H.R.H Prince Henry of Wales and Ms Meghan Markle: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Friday 18th May. A quarter peal of Spliced Surprise Minor (3 methods) was rung at All Saints, Rampton. This was rung to celebrate the forthcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Megan Markle.
Sunday 13th May. A quarter peal of Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles was rung at All Saints, Cottenham. This was rung prior to the Morning Service and to mark the birth of Rhodri Iorwerth Davies, son of Emma and Rhod Davies. It was Emma's first quarter as a mum.
Saturday 12th May. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at St Mary and All Saints, Willingham. This was rung to celebrate the life of Rosemary Mumford, who passed away on 16th February 2018 aged 74, loyal ringer at Willingham for more than 30 years and well respected member of the community.
Friday 27th April. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at St James, Stretham. This was rung to celebrate 75 years of ringing by Ray Clist (local ringer still ringing, listening from the pub) who started to ring immediately after the lifting of the ban in 1943. It was a first inside for Catherine Simcock.
Friday 20th April. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at Holy Trinity, Haddenham. This was rung half muffled remembering Susan Williams whose funeral and thanksgiving service took place here yesterday. A quarter peal of Spliced Surprise Minor (3 methods) was rung at All Saints, Rampton. This was rung as a compliment to Barbara Le Gallez on her retirement as manager of the Stretham REC, with thanks for her hard work and commitment.
Tuesday 17th April. A quarter peal of Doubles (Grandsire and Plain Bob) was rung at St James, Stretham. This was rung In memory of Sue Williams in the week of her funeral, who as Sue Dennis learnt to ring at this tower in about 1970. The conductor helped to teach her to ring; the ringer of the third rang often with her; and remaining ringers are members of the local band.
Monday 16th April. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at St Andrew, Soham. This was rung open in memory of Sue Williams in the week of her funeral, incorporating her favourite touch, Morris's 240.
Sunday 15th April. A quarter peal of Doubles (11 methods) was rung at St Andrew, Swavesey. This was rung for morning service, and remembering Susan Williams from Haddenham, Ely district ringer for many years who died suddenly last month.
Saturday 14th April. A quarter peal of Doubles (Stedman and Plain Bob) was rung at Holy Trinity, Bottisham. This was rung with the compliments of the band to Revd Sue Giles, the Anglesey Benefice's "Ringing Vicar", on the occasion of her "significant" birthday.
Friday 13th April. A quarter peal was rung at Ss Cyriac and Julitta, Swaffham Prior. This was rung in celebration of the life of Susan Williams, longstanding ringer in the Ely District, who passed away on 30th March 2018.
Thursday 12th April. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Minor was rung at St Mary the Virgin, Over. This was rung on practice night with a cover and was a first of minor for Tricia Rowland. It was rung to remember Sue Williams, long time member of the Ely District who passed away recently and unexpectedly.
Sunday 8th April. A quarter peal of Grandsire Triples was rung at St Mary, Swaffham Bulbeck. This was a first in method for Malcolm Creese. It was rung as a wedding compliment to Paul S Seaman and J Ann Smith, married yesterday at Great Shelford.
Friday 6th April. A quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung at St Andrew, Swavesey. This was to remember Janet Bailey, mum of Philip, who died 9th April 2015.
Friday 30th March. A quarter peal of Norwich Surprise Minor was rung at St Andrew, Histon. This was rung half-muffled during the Parish Walk of Witness.
Sunday 25th March. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at St Andrew Swavesey. This was rung for team rector Julie Anderson's last service in the Longstanton, Over, Swavesey and Willingham parishes, and to wish her well in her new parish in Huddersfield.
Friday 23rd March. A quarter peal of Yorkshire Surprise Major was rung at St Mary the Virgin, Over. This was rung as a farewell to our ringing friendly vicar, Julie, and to wish her well in her parish in Yorkshire.
Wednesday 21st March. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Triples was rung at St Andrew, Histon. This was rung in memory of Dennis Sadler, directly prior to his funeral.
Monday 19th March. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at St Andrew, Soham. This was rung to congratulate Soham ringer Becky Hudson on the birth of her daughter Eve Rose earlier this month.
Sunday 18th March. A date touch of 2018 changes of Cambridge Surprise Major was rung at St Andrew, Histon. This was rung remembering Dennis Sadler, licensed lay minister of St Andrew, Histon, and faithful supporter of the ringers. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at St Mary, Swaffham Bulbeck. This was a first on treble for Atalanta Collison and a first as cover for Honey Budd, with congratulations from the band to Atalanta and Honey on completion of LtR Level 3.
Sunday 11th March. A quarter peal of Norwich Surprise Minor was rung at St Andrew Swavesey. This was rung on Mothering Sunday prior to the morning service.
Sunday 25th February. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at St Mary, Swaffham Bulbeck. This was a first quarter inside for Kiyoshi Thompson and was rung to congratulate him on completing LtR Level 4.
Saturday 24th February. A quarter peal of Stedman Triples was rung at St Peter & St Mary Magdalene, Fordham. This was rung to celebrate the wedding earlier today of Phillip Wilding and Vicky.
Sunday 18th February. A quarter peal of All Saints Place Doubles was rung at All Saints, Cottenham. This was rung prior to the Sunday Parish Communion and was a first quarter at first attempt in the method for Ben Morgan.
Sunday 11th February. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Triples was rung at St Mary the Blessed Virgin, Burwell. This was a first of Triples inside for Jimmy Yeoman and the first quarter peal on the full ring of eight since the Burwell Bell Project. A quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Major was rung at St Mary, Swaffham Bulbeck. This was a first of treble-dodging major for Jimmy Yeoman.
Sunday 4th February. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at All Saints, Cottenham. This was rung prior to the Parrish Communion and was a Commemorative Quarter Peal in memory of Cottenham bellringer Private Arthur Gentle, who served in the Cambridgeshire Regiment 1st. Bn., died on 4th Feb 1918, aged 24. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at St Andrew Swavesey. This was rung for morning service at Candlemas, and to congratulate Helen Atkins & Dave Richards and Jessie & Matt Hetherington on the recent births of their daughters.
Sunday 28th January. A quarter peal of Stedman Doubles was rung at Holy Trinity, Bottisham. This was rung in memory of Ian Dixon, who would have been 70 on 26th January 2018, and was the first quarter of Stedman for Louise Dobson.
Sunday 21st January. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at All Saints, Cottenham. This was rung prior to the Sunday Service,and on the birthday of the conductor's brother. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at St Mary the Blessed Virgin, Burwell. This was rung in memory of Marjorie Bromwell who died on 31st October 2015 and Nancy Hooper who died on 11th April 2016. Mother and Mother-in-Law of Joan Lonsdale.
Saturday 20th January. A peal of Swavesey Delight Minor was rung for the Southwell and Nottingham DG at St Andrew, Swavesey. This was the 200th peal for the Guild by Ruth Curtins, and the first peal in the method.
Monday 15th January. A quarter peal of Grandsire Triples was rung at St Andrew, Soham. This was a birthday compliment to John Mitchell and his first quarter inside in the method. With thanks to Geoff Grayton.
Sunday 14th January. A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung at All Saints, Cottenham. This was rung prior to the Sunday Service, held temporarily in the Church Hall for the duration of the alterations within the nave. It was a first attempt at Grandsire for James Miller.
Sunday 7th January. A quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor was rung at St Andrew Swavesey. This was rung for Epiphany Sunday Service and to celebrate the 75th Birthday of the Marion Robinson. It was also the 900th quarter together for Marion and Edith Robinson. A quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at All Saints, Cottenham. This was rung prior to the Service of Holy Communion for the Baptism of Christ and The Blessing of the Plough for the Cottenham and District Ploughing Society.